Model WS-3600 WS-2308 WS-2307 WS-2355 WS-2300 WS-1510-IT WS-1050 WS-1000
Available Discontinued In Stock (New Model) In Stock (New Model) Replaced by WS-2307 Replaced by WS-2307 In Stock (New Model) In Stock In Stock
RRP $499.00 $399.00 $399.00 $399.00 $399.00 $299.00 $249.00 $149.00
Brand LaCrosse LaCrosse LaCrosse LaCrosse LaCrosse LaCrosse Thermor Thermor
Star Rating Overall (Out of 5) 4.5 4.5 4 3.5 3.5 3 2.5 2.5
Value For Money Star Rating 4.5 4.5 4.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 3 3
Base Station Touch Screen Display Push Button Display Push Button Display Push Button Display Push Button Display Push Button Display Push Button Display Push Button Display
LCD Backlight Bright EL Bright EL Bright EL Standard LED Standard LED Bright EL Standard LED Standard LED
LCD Screen Size (HxW) 159 x 88 mm 125 x 66 mm 125 x 66 mm 108 x 60 mm 108 x 60 mm 117 x 64 mm 107 x 58 mm 107 x 58 mm
LCD Display Fields 16 8 8 8 8 11 13 13
Time & Date Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Weather Forecast Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sensors Swiss Precission Sensor Swiss Precission Sensor Swiss Precission Sensor Swiss Precission Sensor Swiss Precission Sensor Swiss Precission Sensor Chinese Chinese
Indoor Temperature -40°C to +59.9°C in 0.1°C -9.9°C to +59.9°C in 0.1°C -9.9°C to +59.9°C in 0.1°C -9.9°C to +59.9°C in 0.1°C -9.9°C to +59.9°C in 0.1°C 0°C to +59.9°C in 0.1°C 0°C to +40°C in 0.1°C 0°C to +40°C in 0.1°C
Indoor Temperature ±1°C ±1°C ±1°C ±1°C ±1°C ±1°C ±2°C ±2°C
Outdoor Temperature -40°C to +59.9°C in 0.1°C -29.9°C to +69.9°C in 0.1°C -29.9°C to +69.9°C in 0.1°C -29.9°C to +69.9°C in 0.1°C -29.9°C to +69.9°C in 0.1°C -40°C to +59.9°C in 0.1°C -40°C to +60°C in 0.1°C -40°C to +60°C in 0.1°C
Outdoor Temperature ±1°C ±1°C ±1°C ±1°C ±1°C ±1°C ±2°C ±2°C
Indoor Rel. Humidity 1% to 99% in 1% 1% to 99% in 1% 1% to 99% in 1% 1% to 99% in 1% 1% to 99% in 1% - 20% to 95% in 1% 20% to 95% in 1%
Indoor Rel. Humidity ±3% ±3% ±3% ±3% ±3% - ±7% ±7%
Outdoor Rel. Humidity 1% to 99% in 1% 1% to 99% in 1% 1% to 99% in 1% 1% to 99% in 1% 1% to 99% in 1% 1% to 99% in 1% - -
Outdoor Rel. Humidity ±3% ±3% ±3% ±3% ±3% ±3% - -
Indoor Air Pressure 300hPa to 1099hPa in 0.1hPa 300hPa to 1099hPa in 0.1hPa 300hPa to 1099hPa in 0.1hPa 300hPa to 1099hPa in 0.1hPa 300hPa to 1099hPa in 0.1hPa 919hPa to 1080hPa in 0.1hPa 840hPa to 1200mb 840hPa to 1200mb
Rain Sensor (self emptying) 0 to 2499.9mm (self emptying) 0 to 2499.9mm (self emptying) 0 to 2499.9mm (self emptying) 0 to 2499.9mm (self emptying) 0 to 2499.9mm (self emptying) 0 to 9999mm (self emptying) 1 to 999.9mm (self emptying) 1 to 999.9mm
Rainfall Display 1h, 24hrs, week, mth & total 1h, 24hrs & total 1h, 24hrs & total 1h, 24hrs & total 1h, 24hrs & total 24hrs & total total total
Wind Speed 0 to 180 km/h 0 to 180 km/h 0 to 180 km/h 0 to 180 km/h 0 to 180 km/h 0 to 180 km/h 0 to 100 km/h 0 to 100 km/h
Wind Direction Yes, LCD compass Yes, LCD compass Yes, LCD compass Yes, LCD compass Yes, LCD compass Yes, LCD compass Yes, LCD compass Yes, LCD compass
Wind Chill Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dew Point Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Weather Alarms Yes, 15 Yes, 20 Yes, 20 Yes, 13 Yes, 13 Yes, 6 Yes, 3 Yes, 3
Max & Min Memory Yes Yes, 12 Yes, 12 Yes, 12 Yes, 12 Yes Yes Yes
Onboard Memory Yes, 1750 Yes, 175 Yes, 175 Yes, 175 Yes, 175 Yes, 140 -3 hourly history No No
Computer connection Yes, RS232 Yes, RS232 & USB Yes, RS232 & USB Yes, RS232 & USB Yes, RS232 No No No
Software Supplied on CD Supplied on CD Supplied on CD Supplied on CD Supplied on CD No No No
Batteries: Base Station 3 x AA 3 x AA 3 x AA 3 x AA 3 x AA 3 x AA 3 x AA 3 x AA
Est. Battery Life 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 2 years - -
AC Power Pack for Base Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied Supplied No Supplied Supplied
Batteries: Transmitter 2 x C 2 x AA 2 x AA 2 x AA 2 x AA 2 x AA 4 x AA 4 x AA
Est. Battery Life 3 years 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 2 years 6-8 weeks 6-8 weeks
Wireless Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wireless Range (max) 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m 60m 60m
Trans. Interval 32 sec if wind >10km/h or 128 sec 32 sec if wind >10m/s or 128 sec 32 sec if wind >10m/s or 128 sec 32 sec if wind >10m/s or 128 sec 32 sec if wind >10m/s or 128 sec 4.5 sec, rain 6.25 sec 128 seconds 128 seconds
Optional Data & Power Cable Yes, supplied 10m Yes, supplied 10m Yes, supplied 10m Yes, supplied 10m Yes, supplied 10m No Opt. AC Power Pack Opt. AC Power Pack
Spare Parts:                
LCD Display, Base Station WS-3600-11 WS-2307-11 WS-2307-11 WS-2355-11 WS-2300-11 WS-1500-11 no spare parts no spare parts
Rain Sensor TX11 TX10 (2300-16) TX10 (2300-16) TX10 (2300-16) TX10 (2300-16) TX32U-IT - Wireless no spare parts no spare parts
Wind Sensors TX12 (for 3600) TX12 (2300-15) TX12 (2300-15) TX12 (2300-15) TX12 (2300-15) TX23 no spare parts no spare parts
Temp, RH & Transmitter TX13 - Wireless TX9 (2300-25) - Wireless TX9 (2300-25) - Wireless TX9 (2300-25) - Wireless TX9 (2300-25) - Wireless TX31U-IT – Wireless no spare parts no spare parts